Monday, December 15, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
ALAS (and a lil extra)
so moving on, my dad got me a new heady scent or in other word a decent perfume/parfum recently. LOL. its Bvlgari and it cost us shitloads of $$$. but i must admit i did not really fancy this perfume at first. i wanted an orange Dunhill pursuit as Dunhill has been always my favorite(besides its brand for smoke). but little did i know Dunhill fragrances never were in that premise. what a bummer! i wanted the smaller bottle which was only RM84 difference but my dad insisted to buy the biggest one. i agreed on buying this perfume bcos it has a small bag and it can be a real handy dandy for me-i could put me smokes, hps, ANYTHING.
since i have it so im afraid ill have to flaunt it. HAHA-tada!
and 1 last thing!
HAHA. it's not like she's anywhere far, after all she is only in Pujut 5 bcos she lives there. DUH. then again i could take my dad's car key and hop into the car and speed off to Hazel's house and cat-nap her! WOOWEE. call me a no brainer.
Friday, December 5, 2008

everytime i glance through this runway like pictures, i can say nothing but only can shake my head. this woman who is strong enough to put up with anything you can possibly imagine. i was a rebellious kid, i did not put up with rules and i was downright spoiled to the core - but she put that to test and scared the shit out of me. she still does sometimes. especially when she screams my full name, chorus included. i can never imagine a woman handling 4 boisterous boys
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
i cannot afford to adjourn more or less. this week has been the toughest week for me as i have two killer subjects to deal with, and the last ones to be exact. nevertheless, i still can catch my breath and procrastinate like i always do. HAHA.
i just cannot imagine that this year is the most unpromising year for me and my darling family. why? okay. firstly, i just lost my dear aki due to a-stage-3 liver cancer last month. (GOD bless his soul, Amen). next, my staring aunt Maria and my little boisterous brother, Derek had involved in an ugly accident.
(here are some of the pictures as my proof)

Thank God again Derek escaped UNHURT. too bad aunt Maria had bruises all over her body.
Finally, my mom. darren told me about my mom who got her appendix burst. OUCH. she had to undergo a painful operation just because of chilli seeds. one small crap could affect one in a whole big way. Confused yet? HAHA. cos i am.
oh how i wish! how i wish good things never come to an end so i'll just keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
okaay. a lil bit of exaggeration won't hurt but still i feel like a 50 yrs old who is waiting for a death bed. LOL. and tonight is the night that i'm gonna start kicking the ball and scoreeee!!
6-packs! here i come!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
i've been listening to my peeps' woes. okaaay, i know she does that like ALL THE TIME!
and still they befriends with her and so do i. LOL.
let me muse over for a while here. hmm. her name is still dwelling in my peaceful mind & heart eventhough we don't speak to each other for 2 months ++ as i fall for her worst nightmare. HAHA
i met you 2 yrs ago at mcd. our very first conversation was only "a smile". yeap. not even a word. just a simple smile. then in the year of 2008, you have the same course as mine. (chemical engineering is so damn hardddd). then, we went out together in the miaw-miaw city. what time was that again? 3am? 4am? yah. we talked and talked for 3 insanely hours just because the old junk wouldn't start. (darn u jack! u should have told me about the battery water earlier)
anyway, i still remember people telling me how bitchy you were (until now) but that didn't bother me AT ALL cos deep down i never saw you that way and you're nice. okay scratch that. you're sweeeeeet. HAHA. i still remember people calling you names (which you didn't even know abt it) and i stood up for you.
oh ya! i miss the times that we hung out at the lame canteen and when i was poverty-stricken as two of my ATM cards were faulty, you were there and gave me $$ to spend. HAHA. andddd i bought you a Belgian chocolate for raya gift which was very bizarre as people only give duit raya during raya.
now, we're totally apart. HAHA. you go your way and i go mine. it's very hard to accept it but hey! friends are like scattered leaves. they are EVERYWHERE but true friends are like pure diamonds which are very hard to find.
P/S: no matter how many times you called me stupid pukimakharam, you never fail to make me smile with your stupidity and astounding characteristics.
cheers to the 1 and only silly chicalaca.
Monday, October 20, 2008
those rascals are so self-centered.
they think they can have easy money in this biased half dead world huh?
well i bet they're having fun with those money they have but sooner or later they're so gonna pay the price. illegal money won't stay that long. trust me. these idiotic people will (and i seriously mean it) will pay the freaking price. oh yes! u can be dainty, refined or whatever u call it with your ugghh-illegal profits FOR NOW.
o yes. mark my word!
these people won't leave that loooooong.
phewww. i'm glad that's out of my chest.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
and i was so enthusiastic that i took my pic with it!!
i know! i was exaggerating in the pic but WHO FREAKIN CARES~
ooo how i wish i own this car. say goodbye to BMW 4,5,6, or whatever series
cos i'm so addicted to this awesome ride of a lifetime!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
i was so seriously mentally and physically tired. once i stepped in the airport i was hoping that no one and i mean not even a single mortal one would stop and stare at me cos basically i was not only wearing my "morning class" shirt. it was not that simple attire that i had on. i was wearing a full-formal wear for Pete's sake! i could imagine all those people in the airport would bitch about me. haha~ anyhoo, my sayang and i grabbed couple of ice blended Belgian chocs from the coffee bean. it was a thirst quencher!!!! then we boarded in and you know the drill. reached myy. waited for my mum. my sayang went back earlier than me as her sis, rollie is a very punctual ladyy!! then my mum fetched me and straight went to the airport! sigh.
i spent like 4 hours visiting my grandpa. within that 4 long hours i really felt smtg which was truly and deeply touching momentos. my attention was captured by this couple. i can say from the look from their faces and the way they communicate, they must be iban. i know cos i'm one of the ibans. haha. i really pity them. frankly i do. the wife fed her hubby with her innocent and sincere sparkling tears rolling down her old and wrinkled cheeks. then her hubby decided to get some rest and her as well. she had to sleep on the cold floor with only a thin rattan mat to be her mattress for that night. i was really remorsed to see them living like that. i wish i could do smtg but i barely know them. lol. then there was this thing which really angered me. out of nowhere, these so-called skilled and caring nurses switched on the lights without a single warning. the patients were alerted by the fluorescent lights. pity them. some of the nurses were playing with their cellphones. i thought there were no cellphones allowed. gosh! so much for the 'menuju ke arah kehidupan yang kualiti' as their fucking motto. the head of the hospital should be aware of this situation. they should do smtg at least? my GOSH. so pathetic people.
i hope my grandpa will be in a good care by someone VERY efficient.
thats all i want.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
A LOT OF THINGS have happened recently. good and bad. okay. most of them are the bad ones. HAHA. i'm so tired of them being asses and losers. seriously.
lemme recall back those unpleasant memories.
once, i was told to drive my dad's car everytime we go partayy just because it looks elegante and suits the night-out partayy theme. ergh. confused much? okay. whatever. when come to think of it, i am so fucked up with them. seriously. i feel like i am used for their needs and wants. wtf? seriously.
secondly, they told me that my standards are too high for them (u know who)but i don't really care cause i don't judge them by what they wear or how much wages they have. seriously. i have good intentions when come to finding friends. (cyeah right) not all the time.
literally, i'm not that choosy type of a person. i still remember that i spent like hundreds for them when we went to this club. it's not that i want to brag or smtg. i just want to jot down everything that has been hobbering inside me. are u not angry if they pull this stunt at u? so literally i've thrown them out of my life and turn over a new leaf. what? a guy must do smtg before some shits happen. seriously and i'm not overacting. i kinda miss the time when i flew out of malaysia and had a 3 decent and serene weeks alone. (act, i was with me mummy) but 3 weeks are more than enough. too long ain't good u know what i mean? LOL.
finally, they always and i mean ALWAYS say i have more $$$ than them. HELLO! fuck that! they are so freaking wrong. ergh. act, my parents do the "work for a living" thing. i only spend okay? so basically i spend their $$$ you freaks! get the freakin pict? freakin odddd. not only that, when they have these so-called confusing problems they would come to me. i don't mind seriously but after i "diagnose" them and their pretty lame problems, they would go back to square 1. how am i not surprise? can u say fucked up? haha.
well, since i turned over a new leaf, everything was back to normal. well, not everything. they still bother me every now and then. can't they just get a life? serious shit.
- sir : darrel, how many times have i told you to be punctual!
- me : (punctual my ass) sooorry?
- sir : (10 minutes of his lectures)
- me : (smiling)
- sir : you came late and yet you're still smiling and smug.
- me : double sooooorryyy.