A LOT OF THINGS have happened recently. good and bad. okay. most of them are the bad ones. HAHA. i'm so tired of them being asses and losers. seriously.
lemme recall back those unpleasant memories.
once, i was told to drive my dad's car everytime we go partayy just because it looks elegante and suits the night-out partayy theme. ergh. confused much? okay. whatever. when come to think of it, i am so fucked up with them. seriously. i feel like i am used for their needs and wants. wtf? seriously.
secondly, they told me that my standards are too high for them (u know who)but i don't really care cause i don't judge them by what they wear or how much wages they have. seriously. i have good intentions when come to finding friends. (cyeah right) not all the time.
literally, i'm not that choosy type of a person. i still remember that i spent like hundreds for them when we went to this club. it's not that i want to brag or smtg. i just want to jot down everything that has been hobbering inside me. are u not angry if they pull this stunt at u? so literally i've thrown them out of my life and turn over a new leaf. what? a guy must do smtg before some shits happen. seriously and i'm not overacting. i kinda miss the time when i flew out of malaysia and had a 3 decent and serene weeks alone. (act, i was with me mummy) but 3 weeks are more than enough. too long ain't good u know what i mean? LOL.
finally, they always and i mean ALWAYS say i have more $$$ than them. HELLO! fuck that! they are so freaking wrong. ergh. act, my parents do the "work for a living" thing. i only spend okay? so basically i spend their $$$ you freaks! get the freakin pict? freakin odddd. not only that, when they have these so-called confusing problems they would come to me. i don't mind seriously but after i "diagnose" them and their pretty lame problems, they would go back to square 1. how am i not surprise? can u say fucked up? haha.
well, since i turned over a new leaf, everything was back to normal. well, not everything. they still bother me every now and then. can't they just get a life? serious shit.